About Express, Create, Heal
The Express Create Heal (ECH) program by A Moment of Magic (AMOM), a nonprofit organization, is dedicated to enhancing access to coping skills that reduce the risk of mental and behavioral health issues for youth affected by childhood cancer. Informed by a decade of experience and collaborative input from medical advisors, psychologists, social workers, and affected family members, AMOM-ECH employs a peer-led approach and utilizes art and play to make vital conversations about mental health approachable for children.
AMoM Led ECH Events - Collaborate with our team to host in-person or virtual ECH events for the families you serve. Contact us with your needs here.
ECH Resource Hub - We provide free access for families to connect them with mental health and wellness resources here.
ECH Alliance - Join the ECH Alliance to access programs targeting professionals in nonprofit, education, and medical sectors, enhancing their capability to address the distinct challenges faced by these families. You'll have access to community wide initiatives to raise awareness, promote understanding, and cultivate empathy for the needs of families dealing with childhood cancer, fostering a more compassionate and resilient support network. Coming Fall 2024.
What we do:

The Story of Express, Create, Heal
After a decade of devoted work in this field, A Moment of Magic (AMoM) has been privileged to engage in countless conversations with children and teens, where they candidly share the challenges they face. It became apparent that amidst these organic exchanges, AMoM uncovered a unique opportunity to cultivate emotional resilience. By creating a safe and supportive space, we enabled children to feel not just comfortable but truly supported, laying the foundation for conversations that allowed them to express their emotions freely. This profound realization has been the guiding force behind AMoM's commitment to fostering emotional well-being and resilience in the young hearts it serves.
Why Express, Create, Heal Matters
We believe that to make a difference, we have to engage all sectors of the community. Early intervention is crucial, given the decline in mental health status experienced over time. The programming aims to address psychological distress and poor health-related quality of life, particularly in high-risk groups. The AMOM-ECH programming focuses on the EQUIP Model, providing a secure, regulated, valued, decided, and relational environment. This comprehensive approach aims to meet the well-being requirements of childhood cancer survivors, fostering resilience, building a supportive network, and enhancing coping skills. Through the application of the 5-Elements Framework, AMOM demonstrates a proactive commitment to evaluating the complex well-being needs of this population and strengthening protective factors to reduce the risks of mental health problems.
How Express, Create, Heal Makes a Difference
By proactively addressing risk factors, preventive interventions strategically allocate resources, preventing the need for extensive and costly treatments, thus ensuring efficient and effective resource utilization.
Resource Optimization
Early intervention decreases the demand for mental health services and specialized care, relieving the burden on healthcare facilities and improving overall system efficiency.
Reduced Burden on Healthcare
Preventive interventions aim to reduce the economic burden associated with mental health issues, potentially leading to long-term cost savings by minimizing the need for intensive interventions and long-term care.
Cost Savings
Beyond healthcare costs, preventive interventions positively impact productivity and quality of life, enabling childhood cancer survivors to lead fulfilling lives and contribute positively to society.